Private Frank Louis Lindley
Rank or Title
Date of Birth
Media files and documents
War time / or Pre War occupation
Medals Awarded
Service Number
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier

Frank Lindley was a professional footballer at Luton Town FC when he enlisted in the Footballers Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment at a public meeting at Fulham Town Hall on 15th December 1914.
Together with his team mate Hugh Roberts, Lindley was one of the first 35 professional footballers to enlist with the Footballers' Battalion. On returning to Luton they encouraged six other Luton players to volunteer the following day.
Whilst training with the Battalion Lindley continued to play for Luton Town in the Southern League season of 1914-15 before being posted to France in November 1915. He sustained a gunshot wound in his left arm in August 1916 and received treatment at Belfast hospital for almost two months. He returned to France in March 1917 before being sent home with impetigo in July 1917.
Lindley was a wing - forward ( 5ft 9 inches,185 lbs, chest 39 inches) who joined Luton for the 1914-15 season. He did not return to play for Luton in 1919-20.
His Service Record and Medal Index Card can be found online on the National Archives website.
All images are used with the kind permission of Roger Wash, Luton Town Football Club Historian
Individual Location
Author: HillC
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