Having given interviews to two newspapers when he returned to Luton on the Thursday following the Peace Day riots, Mayor Henry Impey was recorded as having paid another visit on Monday, August 11th, 1919.
In its editorial column the following day, the Beds & Herts Tuesday Telegraph wrote: “The Mayor of Luton, Councillor H. Impey, has paid another visit to the town of which he is the nominal head, but from which – for the sake of his health – he has found it desirable to be absent of late. He was in Luton yesterday, but went back to town [London] during the evening.
“We understand that his Worship anticipates that when this holiday month is over he will be well enough to return to his civic duties, and that he is quite prepared to ignore all the unpleasantness which arose in connection with the Peace Celebrations, and to carry on as though nothing had happened.
“His spirit of willingness to let bygones be bygones is very gracious, but it is possible that some other townspeople may not be so modest in their views as to what ought to be his course of action.”