Impey's first public meeting since riots

Guardians headline

[Beds & Herts Tuesday Telegraph: September 2nd, 1919]

On Monday, the Mayor (Councillor H. Impey) appeared at a public meeting for the first time since the unfortunate happenings following upon the official peace celebrations when he presided over the meeting of the Board of Guardians. Among the members present were Mesdames Attwood (Vice-Chairman), Needham and V. G. Lewis; the Rev R. Hyne, Messrs J. Bone, S. Kilby, J. T. Lee, T. Breadsell, J. Tibbett, T. Smallwood, Knight, S. Green, C. Yarrow, J. Sanders, R. Sear, J. Burgess, L. Gates and Woolworth, with the Clerk (Mr W. Austin) and the Master (Mr A. B. Richmond).

Before commencing the business of the meeting, the Mayor, who appeared to be suffering under considerable emotion, said:

“I should like to express my thanks to the Board for the very kind expression of sympathy with me in my illness. I am sorry to say I am not better. I am not anything like I ought to be, and I don't feel the slightest interest in public matters at present.

“My absence has been absolutely force – through illness – and I don't expect that I shall be able to take part in public matters for a few years; at any rate, unless there is a strange alteration. Thank you all.”

Mr Burgess said he thought he was expressing the opinion of every member present when he said they were glad to see him there that morning, but they were sorry to learn that he was not better than he was.

“I am sure,” he continued, “you have the kindest feelings of the members of the Board – (hear, hear) – and it may be that the outlook is not quite so dark as, under the circumstances of the moment, you may think” - (hear,hear)

The Board then proceeded with the business without further comment.


In its September 9th edition, the Luton Reporter said Councillor Impey bore unmistakeable traces both in his appearance and speech of still being shaky and broken down in health, and it was therefore no surprise to find that the sole object of his reappearance in the limelight was to announce his decision to retire in the near future from local public life.