This small hardback book was printed in 1917 and is a collection of soldiers' marching songs, popular parodies and rhymes collected by 2nd Lieutenant Nettleingham whilst on active service with the Royal Flying Corps.
In the foreword Nettleingham claims that "Tipperary was never greatly sung by Tommy" but he includes two cheeky parodies of this well-known song. He also apologises for the large percentage of Aviation songs since the writer belongs to the RFC.
Some samples of pages from a small booklet published and sold in the UK to help British soldiers to understand and pronounce common French words and phrases including military terms.
The booklet also contains tables converting weights, measures and money values. 1 franc was said to be equivalent to 10d (ten old pennies). 5 litres = 1gallon and 1 pint.
This pocket-sized booklet contains everything that Officers needed to know when moving from billets into a front-line trench. It gives a fascinating insight into trench life.
It includes information such as: duties whilst in the trench; sanitation & waste; ammunition & equipment; how to deal with casualties.
The 49th Division was a Territorial Force from the West Riding of Yorkshire.