Prisoner wants Food Appeals from a Luton Soldier
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Article in Luton News March 1915. Pte W Smith of 1st Batt.Bedfordshire Regt., whose father and mother lives at 72 North Street, Luton again writes asking for food. He is at Munster, Westphalis and on a postcard recently received by his sister, Mrs Virgin of 62 North Street he says "Please send me some bread, lard, cheese or a good old bread pudding. You can send up to 11lbs free of charge - no stamps or anything."
His parents have since received a letter in which he says - I got the last parcel on March 6th. We get parcels quicker than letters or cards. If you can send me anything else I should be very pleased as we can do with it or I should not keep senbding to you for stuff. I will pay you for it and a bit more besides when I get home, which I hope will be soon.
When I do get home, I will never forget I have got a good mother and dad who have looked after me at the right time. Send me some tin bread, margarine, cheese or anything like that for the cheapest - not because I shall be afraid to pay for it but because it is most filling. And send me a pair of socks if you can as I have not got any. You have sent me some nice parcels and I think I am asking you to do too miuch but I can't help it. The fag papers are useful and if I don't want them I can make 2d per packet and buy bread with the money.
Author: Diane Cullen
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