Anonymous Letter from Leagrave - Some straight words. Article in Luton News February 1916
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On Tuesday afternoon the Luton Rural Tribunal met at the offices of Messrs Austin and Barnard, George Street West, Mr B Hartop presiding. At the outset the Clark read an annonymolus letter from Leagrave and the writer asked if something could not be done to bring conscientious objectors into their proper places. One of those men lived in Leagrave and the writer was given to understand the man had his notice to join but was still about doing nothing. Could not such cases be investigated and justice done before the married men were fetched. A member said "that is a very reasonable letter. Why should the married be called up and these fellows be let off". It was stated that the man referred to, was not the one at the aeroplane works, who had been before the Tribunal, and the military representative said the case had been put in order.
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Author: Diane Cullen
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