Mr Alfred Sutton
Rank or Title
World War I Address
Soldier or Civilian
- Civilian

One of the finest records of loyal families is that of Mr and Mrs Sutton, of 18 Holly Walk, Luton, Himself an old soldier, Mr Alfred F. Sutton, who is at present working at the British Gelatine Works, served for 31 years in the 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, and 19 years of that period were spent in Egypt, India and South Africa.
Whilst he was serving in the Army he became father of seven stalwart sons, each of whom is now serving in his father's old regiment. They are all single, and all of them have made the Army their life work.
The eldest is Pte Frederick, who had served in the regiment 19 years, and during the war has won the Military Medal.
Pte William has served nearly 17 years. He is the only one of the seven fighting in France who has been at all damaged, and he sustained only a slight wound from which he recovered at a base hospital. Pte Thomas had served 14 years; Pte Sidney 12 years; Pte Ernest 10; Pte Archie nine; Pte John eight.
Not one of these seven sons has been privileged to some home since going to the Front.
In addition to his seven sons, Mr Sutton has two stepsons – Pte Alfred Fountain, of the 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers, and Driver Thomas Fountain, of the 13th Middlesex Regiment. Pte Alfred Fountain has been recommended for the DCM and came home last week from hospital, where he has been recovering from a bullet wound in the thigh received last February, These two brothers joined up at the beginning of the war.
Stepsons Alfred and Thomas are pictured.
Author: Deejaya
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