2nd Lieutenant Frank Hampson
Rank or Title
Date of Death
30 Nov 1917
War time / or Pre War occupation
Place of Birth
World War I Address
Place of Death
Grave Location
War Memorial Location
Soldier or Civilian
- Soldier
Second-Lieut Frank Hampson, 3rd Battalion The King's (Liverpool) Regiment, was killed in action on November 30th, 1917. He met his death while cheering his men on.
Until moving to Liverpool three years previously he had been manager of Pearks' Stores on Market Hill, Luton. At that time he was Hon Secretary of the Luton branch of the Shop Assistants' Union. He was a former President of Luton Trades Council and a founder and first President of Luton Labour Club.
He was employed by the Liverpool Co-operative Society when he volunteered in the Liverpool Scottish in January 1916, and was sent to France the following July. He rapidly gained promotion, being made a sergeant and then offered a commission in December 1916.
In an appreciation of Frank Hampson, leading Labour personality Willet Ball wrote: "Ten years ago last July, when a break in health caused me to see a more invigorating atmosphere than found in the environs of London, I removed my domestic centre to the neighbourhood of Beech Hill. After spending the day in unpacking and fitting furniture, the evening found me within the ordinary meeting of the Luton Socialist Party, and there I met for the first time the handful of enthusiasts who were regarded with puzzled disfavour by the orthodox native population, who, in the serene satisfaction found in the well-being of the hat industry, had not begun to realise that Luton was destined to enter the realm of common industrialism, with all the social and political developments that follow. Frank Hampson was one of the men I met there.
"In the Labour movement often a spiritual affinity exists between the active workers that binds men - no matter where in the world they be - in a life association... Frank Hampson wove himself into my life, and to the day of his death news of him appeared to be wafted to us without apparent seeking.
"Frank was possessed of all the physical attributes that make an attractive personality. He possessed all the fiery impulse characteristic of the impelling goal, and in his daily work, his recreation and in the branch meeting room his impulsive and exuberant energy was a feature. The cool, methodical process of action in new spheres of development was not in accordance with his temperament, and his nature often clashed with those with whom he worked. Labour's aims to him must be of immediate daily realisation.
"With all the natural advantages that might have made him prominent among men, and with the weight of responsibility, a capable leader, he possessed a shy disposition that refused to allow him upon a public platform. Yet he never failed to make one of the audience at one of the early Socialist meetings upon the Market Hill, and would listen throughout to men who were not his equal in capacity. His faith held him. Working until after midnight on Saturday, he would travel monthly to Leicester early on Sunday, sit all day in the conference room of the Shop Assistants' Midland Council, and return during Sunday night.
"It was he who first formulated the idea of a Luton Labour Club, and while we were weighing the delicate possibilities, he found the premises in Cheapside and his diffusive energy led us into a scheme for which we were not ripe, and which is now no secret among us, nearly led us into a severe financial calamity that would have made the history of the Luton Labour movement of a different character from that of today.
"In the early days of the war he resented Britain's participation, but, arriving at the basic issues of the struggle, he enlisted. His death was in keeping with his life, and proudly we know that he fell encouraging his men in an attack. He was Frank Hampson to the last."
Author: Deejaya
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