Junior to a Corporal. From lancepesade "officer of lowest rank, from obsolete French lancepessade, from Old Italian lancia spezzata, superior soldier, literally "broken lance". Originally referred to as a "chosen man" who would take control of the section if the Corporal was to be killed or wounded
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal James Chandler
Lance Corporal William George Giltrow
Lance Corporal George Thomas Winch
Lance Corporal Charles Moulster
Lance Corporal Sidney Baines
Lance Corporal Horace Frederick Alfred Hudson
Lance Corporal Sidney William Farr
Lance Corporal William Perrins
Lance Corporal Charles Horace West
Lance Corporal Edward Stanley Davis
Lance Corporal Reginald William Wiley
Lance Corporal Hubert Edley Carrington
Lance Corporal Alfred Thomas William Bird
Lance Corporal Charles Horace West