Marie Lloyd plays Palace Theatre

November 11th, 1918 – Armistice Day. And, by coincidence, Luton was able to celebrate with the opening night of what was claimed to be the finest variety bill that the Palace Theatre had ever presented – featuring the legendary music hall star Marie Lloyd.
The show was reviewed in the Luton Reporter of Tuesday, November 12th, 1918, as follows:
Luton was yesterday simply electrified into an atmosphere of jubilation and rejoicing by the great news of the ending of the war, and this atmosphere was reflected to the full at the Palace Theatre last night when Marie Lloyd, queen of comediennes faced a crowded house, literally rocking with excitement and cheerfully bent on the agreeable occupation of forgetting the worries of the past in a vortex of gaiety and pleasure.
It was the sort of atmosphere in which the one and only Marie has always revelled, and the general concensus of opinion last night was that she had never been heard to better advantage. Her unbounded vivacity and versatility were displayed in some of her most notable successes, both new and old, and she seemed to take a pleasure in trying to satisfy the insatiable demands of a wildly enthusiastic and tremendously demonstrative audience.
No greater treat has ever been provided at the Palace, and the patrons should bear in mind that Marie Lloyd is appearing only once nightly at 8.30, except on Saturday night when she will take the stage at 6 and 8.30, and she will also appear at tomorrow's matinee.
The remainder of the programme is being presented twice nightly as usual, and it is without doubt the greatest show the Palace has ever staged.
Author: Deejaya
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