The Estate and details of Death of 2nd Lieutenant Wernher

Event date

27th February 1917

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The estate of the late Second Lieutenant Alxander Pigott Wernher, of the Welsh Guards , third son of the late Sir Julius Wernher, Bart., the South African millionaire, Bath House, Piccadilly, and Luton Hoo, shows estate of the gross value of £393.  In his memory Lady Wernher has invested £2,000,000 in the War Loan.

A brave attempt was made by a miner, Lovell Everson, of Machen (Mon.) to save the life of Lieutenant Wernher after he had been wounded during an attack in France.  Everson, after the attack, saw Lieutenant Wernher lying in "no man's land."  He rushed out of the trench and took the young officer on his shoulder, and as he was entering the Briish trench a sniper's bullet hit Lieutenant Wernher in the eye killing him.  Lady Wernher has sent to Everson a beautifully framed photograph of her late son.

(extract from the Leighton Buzzard Observer, 27 February 1917 )

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Author: David Watson

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