Establishing a Territorial Hospital at Brook Street
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Luton ward
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For some time past the R.A.M.C, have had a hospital camp At Wardown, but with the approach of colder weather it has been thought necessary to secure a building where warmth and comfort, combined with better attention, could be secured for the patients. The inmates will not be wounded soldiers from the front, but will comprise local accidents and illnesses of Territorials which in the ordinary course of things come under the care of the R.A.M.C, camp at Wardown.
By the enlistment of the interest, and help of Mrs. J. W. Green and the ladies of the Luton Voluntary Aid Detachments, there is every prospect, for a time, at any rate, of the inmates having the care and attention of local ladies skilled in Red Cross nursing, the promise having been made that until they are required for War Office work, such as would be entailed by the establishment of a hospital for wounded soldiers from the front, either at Luton or in the district, they will establish a rota and undertake the nursing of the sick Territorials dealt with at this particular house.
We learn that an empty residence at the top end of Brook-street has been taken for the purposes of the hospital, and by the generosity of the ladies of the V.A.D. and a few friends, the necessary beds have been secured, as well as the loan of furniture to make the “wards'* cosy and comfortable.
It seems to us it is an excellent departure, and the Territorials who are (un) fortunate enough to require attention will doubtless greatly appreciate a roof over their heads and the ministrations of kindly-disposed nurses, to the less comfortable surroundings in a camp during the cold and rainy weather which may now be expected.
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Author: David
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