Collecting Field Glasses (Binoculars)
Event date
20th May 1915 to 27th May 1915
The Luton News , 20th May 1915
Source Date
1915-05-20 00:00:00
Entity info.
In view of the fact that the 1/5th Beds (1st Battalion of the 5th Bedfordshire Regiment) are presently stationed at St. Albans, and expect to be leaving for the front at no distant date, field glasses for the N.C.O’s have become a necessity, and we are asked to make an appeal on behalf of those of the B Company.
The glasses will be marked, either by the owners or the military, and will be returned, if possible, at the conclusion of the war. Any of our readers who may be able to assist in this direction should communicate with Capt. Maier, 80, London Road, St. Albans, who will make arrangements to collect them.
Event Place
Author: David
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