Battle of the Somme 1916

Event date

1st July 1916 to 19th November 1916


Entity info.
Troops going over the top


Well over one million men on all sides perished or were wounded in the Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest battles in history that spanned five months from July to November 1916. Men from Luton and nearby villages naturally played their part, many making the ultimate sacrifice.

Initially using contemporary Luton newspaper reports, including published casualty lists and stories of local men who lost their lives - and backed up by recognised authoritative sources, this is an attempt to build up a comprehensive roll of honour devoted specifically to the Somme in 1916.

Click here to see the list as it develops day by day over the coming weeks. Then click on individual names to find out what was written about them at the time and see any picture that were published.

Information about soldiers with a Luton connection who may inadvertently be omitted, perhaps through no information being published about them at the time, would be welcome.


Event Place

Troops going over the top

Author: Deejaya

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