Appreciation of the Specials
In recognition of service rendered by the members of the town's Special Constabulary, Luton Watch Committee summoned them to a dinner at the Winter Assembly Hall on February 12th, 1919.
Proposing a toast to the Specials, Mayor Henry Impey said that in Luton they had found men of all ranks of business prepared to give up their leisure and some of their business time to help in a time of need, as special constables. Now they were being demobilised and the difficulty for them was to re-accustom themselves to their old civilian life.
The Watch Committee and the Town Council sincerely appreciated the services they had rendered to the town and country during the war, and he hoped they would find a pleasant memento in the card which they had received, recording the following resolution:
“At a meeting of the Watch Committee of the Borough of Luton, held at the Town Hall on 13th January, 1919, it was resolved unanimously: That the hearty thanks of this Committee be accorded to the Special Constables collectively and individually for the self-denying services which they have so cheerfully and efficiently rendered during the war, and the time of the nation's great need.”
A copy of the card given to Mr W. E. Dobbs is pictured above (from the Wardown House Museum WW1 collection).
Author: Deejaya
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