- Holy Trinity Church, Biscot
Having aroused the displeasure of Leagrave and Limbury ex-servicemen by refusing to take part in an open-air memorial service to their fallen comrades of the war unless it was held in his church, the Vicar of Biscot (the Rev S. H. Collins) was to be reported to the Bishop of St Albans for his unsympathetic treatment of a bereaved family from Leagrave and a burial.
Under the heading 'Biscot burials,' the Luton News [September 18th, 1919] reported that the latter issue was raised at the quarterly meeting of the Waller Street Methodist Circuit on Monday, September 15th, when a resolution of sympathy was passed for Mr and Mrs Maidment, of Leagrave.
The Rev A. Wooliscroft moved the motion: “This meeting indignantly protests against the action of the Vicar of Biscot in the arbitrary and unsympathetic exercise of freehold right over the burial ground of the parish. It regards such conduct as reactionary in the highest degree to that spirit of Christian brotherhood which all enlightened people desire to foster, and subversive of the natural rights of parishioners.
“It further directs that the whole of the [not detailed] circumstances be placed before the Lord Bishop of St Albans.”