Labour urges action on housing

[Beds & Herts Saturday Telegraph: July 19th, 1919]

At the meeting of the Luton Trades and Labour Council on Thursday [July 17th], reference was made to the Luton Corporation housing scheme. The Council's committee, which is dealing with the housing question and fighting on behalf of tenants who are compelled to leave their houses under legal process, recommended that the Town Council be addressed as follows:

That on the general question we suggest the employment of direct labour in the building of the 1,000 houses.

To ask the Town Council what accommodation they can offer to the people awaiting eviction, in the way of storage or residence at the Town Hall.

To ask the Town Council to proceed with the building at once, owing to the urgency of the question.

To ask the Town Council to consider the advisability of letting the first 100 houses to tenants evicted by legal process, selecting families with two or more children who would require separate bedrooms.

Mr Ruckwood spoke briefly on the matter, and Mr Frank Goodman (Secretary) said the committee dealing with the matter considered that as the County Court Judge was only in the town for a few hours every five or six weeks, he could have no local knowledge on the question of accommodation.

Mr Goodman said he wrote to the Lord Chief Justice on this matter, and the reply from Lord Reading said the matter was not one that could be brought before him except in the course of the ordinary administration of the law.

The Council agreed to make the recommendations to the Town Council.