War Materials Fund appeal

A War Materials Fund was set up in Luton to enable working parties of women to buy material to make garments for troops. But more money was needed to carry on the work, resulting in this letter published in The Luton News on October 1st, 1914.

May we, through our kind assistance, make known the object of our War Materials Fund. It has been created to meet the urgent need for money wherewith to purchase materials for the various ladies working parties which already exist in the Luton district.

We hope in this way to prevent the issuing of all other appeals which might cause overlapping. Up to the present ladies have collected among themselves and their friends sufficient to make an excellent start, but all the materials thus purchased have now been utilised and the garments etc sent to their respective destinations by the collecting and forwarding depot. Therefore, although the workers are still willing to contribute small sums to their own work centres, it is impossible to continue unless substantial financial aid is forthcoming.

We feel that many unable to handle needle and thread - and amongst these the sterner sex must necessarily be included - will be in sympathy with what is being done in this way for our soldiers and sailors and to these we would appeal for contributions.

A War Materials Fund has been opened at Messrs Barclay and Co, the proceeds of which will be divided equally among the work parties.

Any contributions kindly given in response to this appeal to be sent to be sent to Lady Wernher at Luton Hoo, who will personally acknowledge them.

ALICE WERNHER (President of the War Materials Fund)

EDITH CRAWLEY (Vice-President)

P. PRIMETT (Mayoress of Luton).