Bleachers and dyers pay claim

[Beds & Herts Tuesday Telegraph: July 15th, 1919]

A dispute between the Workers' Union and the bleachers and dyers of the district regarding the rate of wages was discussed by the Workers' Union at Dunstable on Saturday.

The District Organiser gave a detailed report of negotiations on behalf of the local bleaching and dye trade workers. It was reported that an application had been sent in to the London and Luton Bleachers and Dyers Association, and the the employers had offered direct to their workers, in one or two instances, 1s 2d an hour and a working week of 49½ hours – but no overtime rates.

The Union regarded it as a direct attempt on the part of the employers to avoid recognition of the union. The Luton and district workers are asking for the matter to be referred to arbitration.

It was also mentioned that in the matter of the local felt hat workers, it was hoped to be able to report progress at the next meeting of the district committee.